2008 Richmond Yachts  141футов / 43м


160 000 $/ неделя
Bridge deck diningBridge deck aftSundeck forward

FAR FROM IT Яхта Хартия

FAR FROM IT, зарегистрированная в настоящее время на Каймановых островах, активно доступна для чартера в нескольких круизных направлениях.

Роскошная моторная яхта FAR FROM IT, ранее названная NATITA II, была построена компанией Richmond Yachts и доставлена ее владельцу в 2008 году, позже она прошла переоборудование в 2019 году.

Внешний вид FAR FROM IT разработан компанией Setzer Design Group.

Судно FAR FROM IT длиной 141 фут/43 м имеет стеклопластиковый корпус и оснащено двумя двигателями CAT C32 с крейсерской скоростью 12 узлов.

Чартерный гостевой дом

FAR FROM IT разработан для комфортного размещения до 10 чартерных гостей в 5 люксах.

Гостевые каюты состоят из основного люкса с кроватью размера «king-size» и собственной ванной комнатой, расположенной на палубе, каюты с двумя односпальными кроватями и ванной комнатой, а также 3 каюты с кроватью размера «queen-size» и собственной ванной комнатой.

Ваш роскошный чартерный экипаж

Ваш роскошный чартер на борту моторной яхты FAR FROM IT будет управляться экипажем из 9 человек, включая капитана.

Экипаж обеспечит вам спокойный и приятный чартерный отдых с учетом всех ваших потребностей во время пребывания на борту.

У девяти членов экипажа есть отдельные помещения для экипажа, расположенные внизу вперед, что позволяет гостям наслаждаться повышенным уровнем приватности.

Удобства и развлечения

Удобства на борту для чартерных гостей включают кондиционер, барбекю, пляжный зонт, кофеварку, душ на открытом воздухе, тренажеры, легкие рыболовные снасти, льдогенератор, аудиосистему в помещении, джакузи в основной каюте, джакузи на палубе, медиа-сервер, наружную аудиосистему, спутниковое телевидение, стабилизаторы на якоре, шезлонги, платформу для купания, телевизор во всех каютах, водонагреватель и Wi-Fi.

В разделе «Возможности и удобства» можно ознакомиться с обширным перечнем дополнительных удобств и водных игрушек.

Чартер яхт

FAR FROT В настоящее время курсирует по Карибскому морю, Западному Средиземноморью и восточному побережью США.

Образцы маршрутов для круизных направлений могут быть предоставлены вашим профессиональным чартерным брокером, что позволит вам детально спланировать свой роскошный чартерный отдых.



  • Кондиционер
  • Барбекю
  • Пляжный зонтик
  • Кофе-машина
  • Летний душ
  • Снаряжение для упражений
  • Легкие рыболовные снасти
  • Машина, которая делает лед
  • Внутренняя аудиосистема
  • Джакузи в мастер-каюте
  • Джакузи на палубе
  • Сервер медиа-фильмов
  • Открытая аудиосистема
  • Спутниковое телевидение
  • У якоря стабилизаторов
  • Солнечные прокладки
  • Шезлонги
  • Платформа для купания
  • ТВ во всех каютах
  • Производитель воды
  • Wi-Fi

Водные игрушки

  • Надувной плавающий остров
  • Надувной батут
  • Каяки
  • Паддлборды
  • Труба - атракцион
  • Вейкборд
  • Водные лыжи - взрослый
  • Водная горка
  • Waverunners (сядь)


  • Снаряжение для сноркелинга
  • Подводное освещение


  • 18ft/5.5m RIB 115hp
  • 33ft/10.1m Boston Whaler



Scott Miller


Scott was born in New Zealand, living in the world. He has been on the ocean since he was a young boy cruising and fishing the New Zealand and Australian coasts. He raced yachts in New Zealand, Australia, Europe and the USA. He has now been working on motor yachts for 20 years and has a great charter following with an in-depth knowledge of the Bahamas, Caribbean and Cuba. He spent many of his earlier years originally in the Mediterranean cruising from Sicily thru to Spain with crossings to the Caribbean. He loves all aspects of the ocean from recreational diving, fishing, surfing to relaxing with his family on sun drenched beaches. Scott looks forward to welcoming you on board to spend a wonderful time in an environment of friendship and fun, to safely relax while we diligently look after all your needs. So please unwind and enjoy the pleasures of your yachting lifestyle.

Kasey was born and raised in Newport, Rhode Island. Growing up on the beach and loving the outdoors she became interested in the tourism industry. She attended The University of Rhode Island for Marketing and has worked in many areas of the hospitality industry. While working for the Marriott Corporation she transferred to St. Thomas, U.S.V.I where she lived and worked for two years. After returning back to the states and becoming an innkeeper for a year she realized she missed the tropics and wanted to incorporate her hospitality experience with working on yachts. Kasey has been aboard many charter yachts over the last six years and thoroughly enjoys her time. She loves meeting new people, art, music, dogs, and making sure that everyone is a having a wonderful time on board!

Claire Fitoussi

Claire is from Christchurch, England. She has always loved being near the sea and travelling since a young age. Claire spent a year and a half working for a construction company before qualifying as a dental nurse in England. Her career in yachting started last year after a friend told her about his amazing adventures, that’s when she decided she had to try it and has enjoyed going to wonderful places ever since. Her interests include swimming, tennis; long boarding and sunbathing. Claire speaks fluent French and loves striking up a conversation!

Connor grew up in Virginia. She graduated from The University of Mississippi where she studied Integrated Marketing Communications. After graduating Connor made her way to Prague where she became a preschool teacher and a waitress. After a year and a half of living and working in the coldness of Prague she decided she had to keep exploring and make her way to somewhere warm. This is when Connor decided to enter the yachting industry in sunny Florida. She has found her first yacht employment with us on Far From It and is very eager and excited. Connor loves traveling and meeting new people.

Robert is from St. Augustine, Florida born into a family of commercial fisherman and drivers. He has over fifteen years as an Engineer and Captain aboard expedition film vessels and luxury yachts worldwide. Along with his many Engineering licenses Robert is a certified PADI Dive Master as well as a Real Estate Agent and business owner. Robert has a passion for blue water fishing and diving. When not working you will find Robert either in the water or chatting with locals to find out the local buzz. He also loves photography, residential construction, reading, family life and of course traveling.

Rian is from Melbourne Australia. Before starting a fishing charter business in Australia, Rian was a cabinetmaker and a stonemason. His love of the sea and aspirations to become a Captain led him into the yachting industry. H past professions bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in the care and maintenance of Far From It. As our safety officer Rian is always ready and eager to assist crew and guests. He enjoys fishing, wake boarding, water sports, playing the drums, and dogs.

Alysa Lamountain

Alysa decided to move to Fort Lauderdale to begin her new career in yachting only recently. She has a Bachelor’s Degree of Science from the University of Rhode Island and has spent the last two years working as a Medical Assistant. The medical field was something Alysa greatly enjoyed, but her obsession with the ocean led her to yachting. She is from a small town in Massachusetts, but loves escaping to the beach and exploring new places. Her interest in traveling began when she studied abroad in Australia. Since then she has scuba-dived the Great Barrier Reef, backpacked through Europe, swam in the blue lagoon of Cyprus, and rode on a camel in Morocco. Alysa is excited and eager for her position on aboard Far From It and is beyond excited to see the new places this career will take her.

Andreas Orzechowski

Andy’s culinary journey began within the heart of Berlin’s vibrant diversified food culture. He was intrigued by the art of cooking which brought him around the world to explore the various cooking techniques and ingredients from a variety of cultures. His love for travel has greatly influenced his cooking style as he enjoys fusing Eastern and Western dishes together. Andy loves creating his own forte which he incorporates French Cooking Techniques with Modern European and Asian food styles. He has cooked privately for high profile clients as well as celebrities over the years. His experience allows him to customize menus for a variety of clients, including young children & individuals with special dietary requests. Andy strongly believes in sustainable, healthy, wholesome food and have a flair for achieving exceptional food quality and a flawless presentation. When Andy is not on board he lives with his wife and daughter in Bangkok.

Robert Layton

Robert is from Brisbane, Australia where he lived until joining the Australian Army. He spent seven years as a Soldier in the Army including two Afghan tours. After his time on active duty Robert craved a change in lifestyle and pursued a career in Yachting. He has been working on yachts for three years, completing extensive world travel. His hobbies include photography, flying drones, travelling and exploring.


Часто задаваемые вопросы

Сколько арендовать FAR FROM IT?

FAR FROM IT имеет недельную чартерную цену, начинающуюся с 160 000 $ и предполагаемая ежедневная чартерная цена 26 700 $.

FAR FROM IT может вместить 10 спящие гости на борту в 5 каюты, с возможностью круиза до 12 гостей и развлекать группы до 12 гостей, стоящих на якоре или пришвартованных у пристани.

Legal Disclaimer

Моторная яхта FAR FROM IT is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.

U.S. Customs & Border Protection

The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.


Название яхтыFAR FROM IT
Предыдущее названиеNATITA II
Скорость (крейсерская)22.2кмч / 12узлы
Диапазон (крейсерский)1852км / 1000нм
Двигатель2 x CAT C32
ФлагОстрова Кайман
СтроительRichmond Yachts
ДизайнерSetzer Design Group