2021 Baltic Yachts  129футов / 39.3м


106 000 $/ неделя
Outside DinningP_3282Master CabinVIP CabinTwin CabinBunk CabinWater Toys


PERSEVERANCE В настоящее время я зарегистрирован на Мальте и активно доступен для чартера.

Роскошная парусная яхта PERSEVERANCE I была построена компанией Baltic Yachts и передана своему владельцу в 2021 году.

Внешний вид PERSEVERANCE I разработан компанией Dykstra Naval.

Самолет PERSEVERANCE I длиной 129 футов/39,3 м имеет карбоновый корпус и оснащен электрическим двигателем Danfoss с крейсерской скоростью 9 узлов и максимальной скоростью 13 узлов.

Чартерный гостевой дом

PERSEVERANCE I был спроектирован таким образом, чтобы с комфортом разместить до 8 чартерных гостей в 4 люксах.

Гостевые каюты включают в себя основной люкс с двуспальной кроватью и собственной ванной комнатой, расположенный в носовой части, VIP-люкс с двуспальной кроватью и собственной ванной комнатой, каюту с двумя односпальными кроватями и ванной комнатой, каюту с 2 односпальными кроватями и собственной ванной комнатой.

Ваш роскошный чартерный экипаж

Вашим роскошным чартером на борту парусной яхты PERSEVERANCE I будет управлять экипаж из 6 человек, включая капитана.

Экипаж обеспечит вам спокойный и приятный чартерный отдых с учетом всех ваших потребностей во время пребывания на борту.

У 6 членов экипажа есть отдельные помещения для экипажа, расположенные на корме, что позволяет гостям наслаждаться повышенным уровнем приватности.

Удобства и развлечения

Удобства на борту для чартерных гостей включают кондиционер и Wi-Fi.

В разделе «Возможности и удобства» можно ознакомиться с обширным перечнем дополнительных удобств и водных игрушек.

Чартер яхт

PERSEVERANCE В настоящее время я путешествую по Карибскому морю.

Образцы маршрутов для круизных направлений могут быть предоставлены вашим профессиональным чартерным брокером, что позволит вам детально спланировать свой роскошный чартерный отдых.



  • Кондиционер
  • Wi-Fi

Водные игрушки

  • Каяк
  • Паддлборды
  • Вейкборд
  • Водные лыжи - взрослый


  • Компрессор для дайвинга
  • Оборудование для подводного плавания
  • Подводные скутеры


  • 1x 5.2m Williams Diesel Jet Tender
  • 1x Tiwal Sailboat



Pedro De Capitani

Pedro De Capitani

Pedro grew up in Ilhabela, Brazil, an island with beaches, waterfalls, and rainforest off the coast of São Paulo. His passion for sailing ignited with lasers at the age of 9 and eventually grew into a career with positions on yachts including 23m CNB, SY KESTREL, 27.1m Oyster, SY KARIBU, 32.4m, and 42.9m Baltic, SY CAVALLO. Pedro is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for his guests, while minimizing the environmental footprint of the yacht. For him, PERSEVERANCE combines simplicity with luxury, while also running as an eco-friendly vessel. He’s a friendly and approachable person who’s always willing to help. Pedro is also a keen hiker and camper, with a love of nature and the outdoors.

Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, a little Italian

Bruno Basilio

Bruno’s parents introduced him to sailing at a young age in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He brings a wealth of experience and skills from a Physics degree to his yachting background sailing around the South Pacific on 18m catamaran MOANA and serving as engineer onboard the legendary 39.4m J-Class VELSHEEDA. You might be surprised to hear that Bruno is most at home below the surface, where he can free dive, spearfish, and take underwater photographs. His hobbies have led him to adventures all over the world, including a stint living ashore in New Zealand. He’s always happy to share his knowledge with guests, especially his apnea breathing techniques.

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, a little French

Anton Schwennesen

Anton hails from the coastal city of Arhus in Denmark. He started sailing at age 7 on his family’s sailboat, and soon got hooked on dinghy sailing on Optimists and 29ers. His yachting career has taken him racing and crewing on 12m Classic Fife VANITY V K5, and joining the team on another Baltic, 34m NILAYA, where he continued to work after it was sold and renamed SHAGALA BAGALA. Anton also has a hospitality background from working at villas in the French Alps. He has a commitment to healthy living and has an abundance of energy and enthusiasm, and last but not least, he’s also a dive master.

Languages: English, Danish, German

Helena Escriva

Helena is our whirlwind down below from Valencia, Spain. Affectionately known as the boat mom, she makes sure everyone always feels at home on board. She has an impeccable eye for detail, and a passion for interior design and wine – interests and talents she combines to create a luxurious and welcoming atmosphere. Her yachting career has included positions on 58m Alloy SY KOKOMO and 42.9m Baltic CAVALLO. From exquisite cocktail creations to latte art to first aid, her big heart shines through in everything she does! Helena is a yoga lover, passionate cyclist, and former sailing instructor. She effortlessly helps on deck and complements the team seamlessly.

Languages: English, Spanish, French, a little Portuguese

Stef is our beloved chef from Tivat, Montenegro – where she learned how to sail and even went pro competing in regattas for their club. In her yachting career she’s worked as a solo stewardess on 35m Baltic NIKATA, a deckhand on 34m MY SEYA and the challenging role of cook/stewardess on 23m CNB, SY KESTREL. She loves traveling and discovering local products, which she uses to create delicious and authentic dishes that help guests taste and experience their destinations. Her passion for feeding people has her constantly refining her skills with practice, training, and work in restaurant kitchens. When she’s not thinking about food, Stef enjoys camping, hiking, sailing and dirt bikes.

Languages: English, Montenegrin/Serbian, Basic Spanish & Basic Italian


Часто задаваемые вопросы

Сколько арендовать PERSEVERANCE I?

PERSEVERANCE I имеет недельную чартерную цену, начинающуюся с 95 000 € и предполагаемая ежедневная чартерная цена 15 800 €.

PERSEVERANCE I может вместить 8 спящие гости на борту в 4 каюты.

Legal Disclaimer

Парусная яхта PERSEVERANCE I is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.

U.S. Customs & Border Protection

The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.


Скорость (крейсерская)16.7кмч / 9узлы
Скорость (макс)24.1кмч / 13узлы
Диапазон (макс)4444.8км / 2400нм
ДвигательDanfoss Electrical Engine
СтроительBaltic Yachts
ДизайнерDykstra Naval