2015 Mulder  94フィート / 28.6メートル


$65,500/ 週
Twin CabinMaster StateroomDiningAft DeckForwardBowAft DeckGuest CabinMaster BathroomMaster Dressing RoomSundeckSwim PlatformTwin CabinForwardAerial ViewSternGalleyProfileSternLounge

FIREFLY ヨットチャーター




94フィート/28.6mのFIREFLYはアルミニウム製の船体で作られており、1150馬力の2x CATを動力源としており、巡航速度は13ノット、最高速度は17ノットです。












FIREFLY は現在、東地中海と西地中海でクルージングしています。



  • 空調
  • 自転車
  • 屋外シャワー
  • 軽い釣り道具
  • アイスメーカー
  • iPodのドック
  • ローカルテレビ
  • スタビライザー
  • スイムプラットフォーム
  • TV 全てのキャビン
  • Wi-Fi


  • チューブ - 牽引可能
  • 水上スキー - 大人用
  • ウェイバンナー(座る)


  • クルー認定
  • 手配によるダイビング
  • スピアフィッシングギア


  • 17ft/5.2m RIB 60hp



Anthony Carl Borg


Anthony was born a true Maltese, and into a family of passionate sailors. He discovered his taste for yachting at the age of 16 and followed his Uncle’s path who has been a yacht captain for a long time.

Anthony started his career in yachting as an assistant engineer with Sunseeker Malta in 2007 when he stepped up to become an engineer at Boatcare Trading Ltd. until the year 2009. Having found his way afloat within the superyacht industry, Anthony then joined the successful Sunseeker team again as an engineer onboard yachts.

He is a very ambitious person and always wanted to become a Captain which he did so in 2010 onboard Sunseeker MY ANTONIA, based in Malta from which he cruised extensively along with Sicily and mainland Italy. Combining Maltese charm and a professional attitude, Anthony is the perfect match for a charter yacht such as Firefly where he was appointed Captain in early 2016.Fluent in English, Italian and his native Maltese, Anthony will always walk the extra mile to make sure the guests are having a perfect time on board.

From English origins, but with Maltese blood, Zach unites the qualities of both countries and joins them together on board MY Firefly. He first discovered his passion for boats at ayoung age through the influence of his uncle who owns a Beneteau sailing yacht. At the age of 25 Zach took his experience in yachting to the next level byassisting his uncle with day charters.

After finishing his education,Zac fulfilled his dream and worked in animal welfare at the Mediterraneo MarinePark as Mammal Marine Trainer for six years, working with Dolphins in liveshows that took him all the way to Dubai.

After a short detour in the ITfield, Zach joined the Sunseeker MY Nirvana Blu as Deckhand from 2012 to 2015.In January 2016 he became part of the dynamic crew of the new Mulder MYFirefly.

Zach is very active and he enjoys cycling,football, scuba diving and travelling.

Coming from a country where cooking is a passion, not just a profession, and eating is celebrated rather than seen as a must, the Italian Chef Guiseppe rounds up the team of enthusiastic and charming crew members on MY Firefly.

Born from a family of fisherman from Viareggio, Guiseppe had his first encounter with the sea at a very early age and started off as fisherman himself on his families’ boat, with the tendency of preparing and cooking what he brought back from the sea.

After extending his experience having worked as Chef in several restaurants in and around Viareggio, he decided to take his career to the next level and combine the marine industry with his passion for cooking, where he became a Chef on yachts for the 2015 season.

With his extended knowledge and experience on Motor Yachts around the 44 m mark as well as a Swan 90, he is a multitasking, passionate addition to the team on board Firefly.

Guiseppe is fluent in English, Italian and Spanish, and holds both, an Italian and American passport. Besides cooking and trying out new recipes, he enjoys reading and playing sports in his free time.



  • $65,500 週あたり
    基本通貨 €60,000


  • $65,500 週あたり
    基本通貨 €60,000



チャーターする金額 FIREFLY?

FIREFLY から始まる毎週のチャーター価格があります €60,000 と推定1日あたりのチャーター価格 €10,000.

FIREFLY 収容することができます 8 機内で眠っているゲスト 4 キャビン、最大で巡航する能力を持つ 12 ゲストと最大のグループを楽しませる 50 停泊中またはマリーナに係留中のゲスト。

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モーターヨット FIREFLY is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.

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The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.


スピード (クルージング)24.1kph / 13結び目
スピード (最大)31.5kph / 17結び目
燃費(クルージング)100lph / 26.4gph
エンジン2x CAT at 1150hp
デザイナーOmega Architects