1999 CBI Navi  79フィート / 24メートル




154Formal DiningMaster StateroomGuest CabinTwin CabinTwin CabinBathroomSun DeckCanoesFore Deck

WOLF TWO プライベートヨット

高級モーターヨットWOLF TWOはプライベートヨットであり、チャーターはできない。

WOLF TWOはCBIナビによって製造され、1999年にオーナーに納品されました。

WOLF TWOは、ダブルベッドと専用バスルーム付きのプライマリスイート、ツインベッドと専用バスルーム付きのキャビン2つ、ダブルベッドと専用バスルーム付きのキャビンからなる4つのキャビンで8名様を収容できます。



チャーター用の類似の代替モーターヨットを表示 するか、別の豪華チャーターヨットのレンタルについてヨットチャーターブローカーに問い合わせることもできます。


  • 空調
  • 軽い釣り道具
  • MP3ミュージックサーバー
  • 衛星テレビ
  • スタビライザー
  • サンクッション
  • サンラウンジャー
  • Wi-Fi


  • インフレータブルウォータートイ
  • バナナボート - 牽引可能
  • ジェットスキー(スタンドアップ)
  • カヤック
  • チューブ - 牽引可能
  • 水上スキー - 大人用


  • シュノーケリング用具


  • 16ft/4.9m RIB 70hp


Roberto Borgogelli


Roberto Borgogelli, Italian, 60 years hold. He Has a great experience in yachting, starting since very young, fond of one-off projects and hydrojet engines. Due to this passion, he achieved an excellent knowledge of mechanical and electronic matters. He cruised across the whole Mediterranean for many years and decided to get into the charter market in 1995. He has been Captain on yachts of different sizes and types (Caiques, 60-65 sailing yachts, powerboats up 85’). He is a great connoisseur of Mediterranean Sea. Discrete and sociable, he has always excellent relationships either with Charterers or with the other crew members. Always ready to satisfy his guest’s requirements, he is very skilled in coordinating the crew work to obtain the best result, fully respecting the crew’s needs as well. Roberto speaks a fluent English, Italian, Spanish.

Graciela Vasquez, Uruguayan. She has been working with Captain Borgogelli since several seasons. She is an expert Sommelier, Member of the world Sommelier Association. Her cooking style reveals not only a Mediterranean soul and particulary Italian influences, but also an International knowledge about gourmet cuisine and food-wine pairing. In the past years, Graciela gained a very good experience in managing a yacht’s galley, optimizing the selection of food and wines on board, always following the Charterers preferences. She has a sweet character and offers a warm welcome to all her guests. A wide choice of menus will be discussed as Charterers arrive onboard, based on Food Preference List to be recived in advance. Graciela speaking Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and basic English.

Jacopo Bandini 42 years old University Graduate. He got e great experience in navigation with several boat , long navigations around the Mediterranean Sea. He is a good maintenance experience working during the winter in famous Italian shipyard. Very educated person also discrete and sociable, he has always excellent relationships either with Charterers or with the other crew members. He speak English and Italian.


搭乗客数 WOLF TWO?

WOLF TWO 収容することができます 8 機内で眠っているゲスト 4 キャビン.

Legal Disclaimer

モーターヨット WOLF TWO is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.

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The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.


スピード (クルージング)20.4kph / 11結び目
スピード (最大)25.9kph / 14結び目
エンジン2x Caterpillar at 1350hp each
ビルダーCBI Navi