2000 Intermarine 105フィート / 32メートル
$55,000/ 週OUTTA TOUCH ヨットチャーター
現在セントビンセント・グレナディーン諸島に登録されているOUTTA TOUCHはチャーターに積極的に参加している。
豪華モーターヨット「OUTTA TOUCH」は、インターマリンが建造し、2000年に所有者に引き渡されました。その後、2022年に改装されました。
OUTTA TOUCHの外装はSetzer Design Groupが設計している。
105フィート/32mのOUTTA TOUCHはグリップハルで構成され、巡航速度12ノット、最高速度18ノットの2x MTUエンジンを搭載しています。
OUTTA TOUCHは、4つのスイートに最大8人のチャーターゲストを快適に収容できるように設計されています。
モーターヨットOUTTA TOUCHの船上豪華チャーターは、船長を含む4人の乗組員によって管理されます。
OUTTA TOUCH は現在、カリブ海でクルージング中です。
- 空調
- デッキのジャグジー
- Wi-Fi
- インフレータブルウォータートイ
- フローティングマット
- カヤック
- パドルボード
- ウェイバンナー(座る)
- シュノーケリング用具
- 23' World Cat
Mackenzie Johnson
StewardessA true Floridian, born and raised. Before my career as a Stewardess, I was a Nurse Recruiter who always had a passion for traveling the world. I began my yachting career 3 years ago in Fort Lauderdale, FL. My fiancé and I have now been working together for the past 3 years, working on both Private, Charter boats and estates. The most gorgeous place I have traveled to is Grenada, just north of Venezuela, but I truly love all of the Caribbean and the breath-taking views. The easiest part of my job is getting along with the guests. I truly enjoy service and I will treat you with utmost respect onboard. My goal is to show you places you have yet to explore, while giving you the best experience. I have extensive wine knowledge and enjoy pairing Chef's dishes with wine. I used to be a student athlete and played softball in college. Growing up I played almost every sport. I love the outdoors, exploring, snorkeling, and visiting new beaches!
Ricky Velez
ChefMexican American 3rd Generation Chef. I have been cooking professionally for 10+ years in 5 star restaurants, resorts, country clubs, French bakeries and super yachts. This experience has trained me to deliver top notch food in many international cuisines. Additionally, I am a very passionate chef who loves to cook classic and traditional dishes as trained by the best in the industry. Since I am part of the young generation of chefs who love to play with the boundaries of gastronomy and newest trends including fusions and molecular gastronomy. I enjoy science, working out and exploring new things.
His IG is @yachtchefricky
Jaco Joubert
MateJaco started his yachting career in January 2021 because of his love and passion for boats–a passion he has had since childhood. His favorite location to which he has traveled is the Exumas, Bahamas, known for its crystal-clear waters and year-round pleasant weather. Because of his hospitality experience, Jaco is very good with guests and people in general; therefore, he strives to give them a charter trip that is truly memorable. His hobbies include fishing, water sports, and hunting, all activities to be enjoyed out in nature.
OUTTA TOUCH 収容することができます 8 機内で眠っているゲスト 4 キャビン、最大で巡航する能力を持つ 12 ゲスト.
Legal Disclaimer
モーターヨット OUTTA TOUCH is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.
U.S. Customs & Border Protection
The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.
ヨット名 | OUTTA TOUCH |
スピード (クルージング) | 22.2kph / 12結び目 |
スピード (最大) | 33.3kph / 18結び目 |
範囲 (最大) | 1852キロメートル / 1000海里 |
エンジン | 2x MTU engines |
ハル | モノハル |
フラグ | セントビンセント及びグレナディーン諸島 |
発売開始 | 2000 |
再フィット | 2022 |
ビルダー | Intermarine |
デザイナー | Setzer Design Group |