2015 Privilege Yard  50フィート / 15.2メートル




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XENIA 50 プライベートヨット

豪華セーリングヨットXENIA 50はプライベートヨットであり、チャーターは利用できません。

XENIA 50はプリビレッジヤードによって製造され、2015年に所有者に納入されました。

XENIA 50は、クイーンサイズベッド1台付きのプライマリスイート、前方下に位置する専用バスルーム設備、クイーンサイズベッドと専用バスルーム付きのキャビン2室からなる3つのキャビンで6名様を収容できます。



チャーター用の類似の代替セーリングヨットを見る するか、別の豪華チャーターヨットのレンタルについてヨットチャーターブローカーに問い合わせることもできます。


  • 空調
  • BBQ
  • コーヒーメーカー
  • 屋外シャワー
  • 軽い釣り道具
  • アイスメーカー
  • 室内オーディオシステム
  • 特別食
  • スイムプラットフォーム
  • TV 全てのキャビン
  • ウォーターメーカー
  • Wi-Fi


  • ビーチゲーム
  • インフレータブル浮島
  • カヤック
  • ニーボード
  • パドルボード
  • パドルボード
  • スカーファー
  • スイミングヌードル
  • チューブ - 牽引可能
  • ウェイクボード
  • 水上スキー - 大人用


  • シュノーケリング用具
  • 水中スクーター


  • 12ft/3.7m RIB 40hp



Peter Lech


With Peter and Jade as accompaniment on your XENIA 50 experience, your sojourn will be decidely nothing less than world class. What sets Peter and Jade apart is that—in addition to being highly-skilled crew—they are both also extremely talented gourmet chefs. Having spent years creating culinary delights for the rich and famous (including Hollywood starlets and American presidents) they proffer the true epitome of lavish gourmet dining.

Peter applies his classic French training to local exotic ingredients and, as a certified Sommelier, pairs them with the best wines from around the world. Jade's influences stem from her Asian-Pacific upbringing, with emphasis on fresh and healthy meals brimming with delectable originality and sumptuous flavors. With Jade and Peter, your dining is guaranteed to be exquisite—with the very best of gourmet cuisines expertly prepared to ensure every bite is tailored to perfection and catered to the highest possible standard. With superb service and a personalized menu, the mouth-watering cuisine aboard XENIA 50 is an adventure in and of itself.

Peter’s ease at the helm and 14 years of management experience ensure only the very smoothest of vessel operations. He literally cut his teeth on his family's Morgan 27 and Morgan 40 on the tempestuous waters of the Great Lakes. Racing several evenings a week and three-day cross-lake marathons are still commonplace in the Lech family, with them consistently placing top of their class and best overall. Sailing is in the Lech blood.

Jade's extensive sailing grounds span the Pacific Coast from Vancouver Island to Costa Rica, the Atlantic shores of New England and the Eastern Caribbean. She has hands-on experience with virtually any kind of sailing vessel—from tuna fishing boats and tall ships to luxury catamarans.

Peter and Jade look forward to welcoming you aboard XENIA 50.


搭乗客数 XENIA 50?

XENIA 50 収容することができます 6 機内で眠っているゲスト 3 キャビン、最大で巡航する能力を持つ 6 ゲストと最大のグループを楽しませる 6 停泊中またはマリーナに係留中のゲスト。

Legal Disclaimer

セーリングヨット XENIA 50 is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.

U.S. Customs & Border Protection

The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.


ヨット名XENIA 50
スピード (クルージング)14.8kph / 8結び目
エンジン2 x Yanmar 75Hp diesels
ビルダーPrivilege Yard