2011 Fountaine Pajot  62フィート / 19メートル


$20,700/ 週
Water Skiing

WORLDS END ヨットチャーター

現在ギリシャで登録されているWORLDS ENDは、現在チャーターが可能です。

豪華なセーリングヨット「WORLDS END」は、ファウンテン・パジョーが建造し、2011年に所有者に引き渡されました。その後、2016年に改装されました。


62フィート/19mのWORLDS END(ワールドエンド)はグリップハルで造られており、110馬力の2倍の動力で巡航速度は10ノット、最高速度は12ノットです。


WORLDS ENDは、5つのスイートに最大10名様までのチャーターゲストを快適に収容できるように設計されています。



セーリングヨット「WORLDS END」での豪華チャーターは、船長を含む3人のクルーが管理します。







WORLDS ENDは現在、東地中海をクルージングしています。



  • 空調
  • コーヒーメーカー
  • 屋外シャワー
  • 軽い釣り道具
  • アイスメーカー
  • 室内オーディオシステム
  • iPodのドック
  • メディア映画・サーバー
  • MP3ミュージックサーバー
  • プリンタ
  • 特別食
  • スイムプラットフォーム
  • TV サルーン
  • ウォーターメーカー
  • Wi-Fi


  • インフレータブルウォータートイ
  • バナナボート - 牽引可能
  • カヤック
  • パドルボード
  • スイミングヌードル
  • ウェイクボード
  • 水上スキー - 大人用
  • 水上スキー - 子供用


  • シュノーケリング用具


  • Williams 98hp



Dimitris Prantzos


Captain Dimitris was born in 1984 and has been involved with the sea all his life. He is an outstanding Captain of his ship in every way. He is a throughout professional sails man, who through his years of experience is capable to master any difficult or stressful situations. At the same time he has an amazingly humorous and outspoken friendly character, which makes everyone on board feel welcome, cosy and comfortable. Through his solid confidence in his skills and abilities emerges a very relaxed and reassuring attitude, he transmits to his guests and crew.
Besides the official RYA Yachtmaster Offshore (sail/motor) Certificate of Competence, he also holds the Offshore Sailing Diploma (Skipper), the Speedboat Operating Diploma and The Lifeguard Diploma and has been Captain on numerous private Yachts and various chartered Sailing Yachts throughout his career.

Chef Dimitra is an amazing chef and an outstanding artist. With years of experience in restaurants, artistic food performances and events. She combines her love for cooking with her artistic background, using fresh local ingredients, to create a regional fusion cuisine aiming to provide a unique eating experience. One could refer to her as an artistic chef. She always strives to achieve perfection in the way she prepares each meals, with outstanding results that makes everyone cherish their very own nostalgic memories of this “finger-licking” experience.
Chef Dimitra has an outstanding lovely personality, extremely friendly, especially with children, and is always in a happy mood, with a big smile and a good sense of humour, ready to assist you on your every wish and need.

Maria is a very joyful character, high spirited and extremely attentive. She has a wonderful ability to make people feel very comfortable around her and will take care of every need you might have. With her big smile and friendly attitude she overwhelms everyone and has a special understanding with children.
Maria, born in 1991, has been working as an English teacher, while she also speaks fluent Spanish and adequate Catalan. She is athletic, being an active female rock-climbing athlete in her local Mountaineering and Climbing Club, has completed a First-Aid Seminar, is a member of the Environmental Group at the University of Macedonia involved in wildlife and environmental preservation, as well as was a volunteer at the Institution for people with disabilities "Action for Something Else ". All in all Maria is a very active and lively person, who is full of live and high spirited.



  • $20,700 週あたり
    基本通貨 €19,000


チャーターする金額 WORLDS END?

WORLDS END から始まる毎週のチャーター価格があります €19,000 と推定1日あたりのチャーター価格 €3,170.

WORLDS END 収容することができます 10 機内で眠っているゲスト 5 キャビン.

Legal Disclaimer

セーリングヨット WORLDS END is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.

U.S. Customs & Border Protection

The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.


スピード (クルージング)18.5kph / 10結び目
スピード (最大)22.2kph / 12結び目
燃費(クルージング)20lph / 5.3gph
航続距離 (クルージング)6482キロメートル / 3500海里
エンジン2x 110hp
ビルダーFountaine Pajot
デザイナーBerret - Racoupeau