2016 Lagoon 62脚 / 18.9米
$50,750/ 周Andromeda Yacht Charter
乘坐ANDROMEDA踏上难忘的旅程,这是一艘62英尺的豪华帆船游艇,旨在将舒适、冒险和精致完美融合。 这艘包机游艇由 Lagoon 建造并经过专业维护,为那些想要探索偏远的热带岛屿、尽情享受世界一流美食和享受令人振奋的水上活动的人提供了完美的逃生之所。 无论您是经验丰富的水手还是只想放松身心的乘客,ANDROMEDA都能确保千载难逢的航行。
作为 Lagoon 620,ANDROMEDA 专为卓越的稳定性、舒适性和性能而打造。 她的铝制上层结构和现代设计使她成为探索海岸线和在偏远的热带岛屿上航行的绝佳选择。 凭借对海洋的深入了解,游艇的船长可以确保无论目的地在哪里,都能顺畅而安全的旅程。
ANDROMEDA设有设计精美的客舱,提供温馨而宁静的度假胜地。 该游艇共提供宾客住宿,最多可容纳 8 名乘客,非常适合家庭、朋友团体或浪漫之旅。
- 主套房: 宽敞优雅,配有一张大号床、美容院风格的梳妆台和连接浴室。
每间客舱的设计都考虑到了优质的当地食材,确保风格与舒适的无缝融合。 游艇精致的内饰完美地补充了壮丽的海景和外面阳光普照的海岸。
船尾甲板是休闲户外用餐的理想空间,而飞桥则可以欣赏到公海的全景。 经过一天的水上活动后,这里是品尝新鲜捕获的海鲜盛宴的理想场所。
船上厨师在Ashburton Culinary Academy接受过培训,他将充满活力的岛屿风味与创新的融合菜肴相结合,打造难忘的烹饪体验。 客人可以享受:
拉蒙·林德曼船长是一位真正的海员,拥有超过35年的海上经验。 他持有海岸警卫队队长执照,多次在东海岸航行,对世界上一些最令人叹为观止的海岸线有了深入了解。 他对海洋的深切欣赏最终使他成为豪华游艇的船长,在那里他擅长为客人创造难忘的体验。
拉蒙船长在南加州出生和长大,早年以职业冲浪者的身份追逐海浪和参加国际比赛。 他对海洋的热情转变为公海赛车,在那里他磨练了自己在绘制路线和船长方面的技能。
除了拉蒙船长之外,Leala的烹饪专业知识还增强了ANDROMEDA上生活的方方面面。 她接受过亚洲美食的培训,使用最新鲜的海鲜和优质的当地食材准备饭菜,确保每顿饭都是对口味的赞美。
通过ANDROMEDA游艇租赁,客人可以探索英属维尔京群岛的原始水域,探索历史悠久的海岸线,并沉浸在充满活力的岛屿市场的文化中。 从幽静的海湾到繁华的港口,游艇的行程量身定制,以满足每位客人对冒险或放松的渴望。
在ANDROMEDA上体验所有船上生活所能提供的一切。 无论您是探索偏远的热带岛屿,享受休闲户外用餐,还是沉迷于难忘的美食体验,这份豪华游艇租赁都是您通往天堂的门户。
- 室外淋浴
- 轻型渔具
- 前甲板座位
- 室内音响系统
- 卫星通信
- 太阳甲板
- 游泳平台
- 所有客舱均有电视
- 沙龙间有电视
- 制水机
- 无线上网
- 划桨板
- 拖曳玩具
- 管 - 可牵引式
- 浮潜装备
Leala Simich
Chef & 1st MateChef / Mate Leala Simich
Leala was born and raised in Southern California. She grew up a block from the ocean and has been transfixed and in love with the sea ever since. After she finished raising her two children, due to a bit of empty nest syndrome, she left her longtime career as a Hollywood hairstylist and took to the sea. She went on to sail the eastern seaboard multiple times from the Bahamas up to Nantucket. She has been sailing all around the Caribbean on and off since 2014 hosting guests, accommodating their wants and needs and showing them all that boat life has to offer. Leala is an avid snorkeler and enjoys guiding tours in or around the waters of the Bahamas and the Virgin Islands. Leala’s culinary expertise is rooted in her passion for quality local ingredients and the freshest seafood available. Growing up in the diverse food scene of Los Angeles, she developed a deep appreciation for Latin, American, and Asian cuisine, mastering the balance of bold flavors and techniques. Her time spent in the Caribbean has further expanded her culinary repertoire, inspiring her to incorporate vibrant island flavors and innovative fusion dishes into her menus.
A graduate of Ashburton Culinary Academy in Devon, England, Leala brings a refined skill set and creative approach to every meal. Whether crafting elegant multi-course dinners, light and
refreshing beachside lunches, or hearty breakfasts to fuel a day of adventure, she takes pride in tailoring each dish to suit her guests' preferences. She has extensive experience accommodating a wide range of dietary needs, including paleo, gluten-free, vegan, and keto, while still ensuring every meal is both satisfying and beautifully presented. Even the pickiest eaters—kids and adults alike—find something to love on her thoughtfully curated menus.
Leala’s goal is to create an unforgettable culinary experience throughout the charter, designing a menu that perfectly complements the journey, from casual al fresco dining to exquisite plated dinners under the stars. Whether sourcing the finest local ingredients from vibrant island markets or preparing a freshly caught seafood feast, she brings creativity, precision, and a warm, personal touch to every dish
船上有多少客人 ANDROMEDA?
ANDROMEDA 可以容纳 8 在船上睡觉的客人 4 小屋.
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帆船游艇 ANDROMEDA is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.
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The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.
游艇名称 | ANDROMEDA |
速度(巡航) | 11每小时 / 5.9结 |
油耗(最大值) | 18.9肺动脉高压 / 5加仑每小时 |
范围(最大值) | 618公里 / 333.7海里 |
引擎 | Volvo D3-150I-H |
赫尔 | 双体船 |
旗 | 美国 |
已启动 | 2016 |
已改装 | 2024 |
生成器 | Lagoon |