Премиум листинг
2010 Trinity Yachts 164футов / 50м
199 000 $/ неделяASPEN ALTERNATIVE Яхта Хартия
ASPEN ALTERNATIVE, зарегистрированный в настоящее время на Каймановых островах, активно доступен для чартера в нескольких круизных направлениях.
Роскошная моторная яхта ASPEN АЛЬТЕРНАТИВА была построена Trinity Yachts и доставлена ее владельцу в 2010 году, позже она прошла переоборудование в 2022 году.
Экстерьер ASPEN АЛЬТЕРНАТИВА спроектирован компанией Trinity Yachts.
ASPEN ALTERNATIVE длиной 164 фута/50 м имеет алюминиевый корпус и оснащен двумя двигателями Caterpillar мощностью 2250 л.с. с крейсерской скоростью 15 узлов и максимальной скоростью 18 узлов.
Чартерный гостевой дом
ASPEN АЛЬТЕРНАТИВА спроектирована для комфортного размещения до 10 чартерных гостей в 5 люксах.
Гостевые каюты состоят из 3 кают с кроватью размера «king-size» и собственной ванной комнатой, основного люкса с кроватью размера «king-size» и ванной комнатой, а также каюты с двумя односпальными кроватями и ванной комнатой.
Ваш роскошный чартерный экипаж
Ваш роскошный чартер на борту моторной яхты ASPEN АЛЬТЕРНАТИВА будет управляться экипажем из 9 человек, включая капитана.
Экипаж обеспечит вам спокойный и приятный чартерный отдых с учетом всех ваших потребностей во время пребывания на борту.
У девяти членов экипажа есть отдельные помещения для экипажа, что позволяет гостям наслаждаться повышенным уровнем приватности.
Удобства и развлечения
Удобства на борту для чартерных гостей включают кондиционер, барбекю, велосипеды, кофеварку, душ на открытом воздухе, тренажеры, рыболовные снасти, легкие рыболовные снасти, льдогенератор, аудиосистему в помещении, джакузи в основной каюте, джакузи на палубе, медиа-сервер, наружную аудиосистему, спутниковое телевидение, стабилизаторы на якоре, потоковое онлайн-мультимедиа, шезлонги, платформу для купания, телевизор во всех каютах, телевизор на открытом воздухе, телевизионный салон, водонагреватель и Wi-Fi.
В разделе «Возможности и удобства» можно ознакомиться с обширным перечнем дополнительных удобств и водных игрушек.
Чартер яхт
ASPEN ALTERNATIVE В настоящее время курсирует по Карибскому бассейну и восточному побережью США.
Образцы маршрутов для круизных направлений могут быть предоставлены вашим профессиональным чартерным брокером, что позволит вам детально спланировать свой роскошный чартерный отдых.
- Кондиционер
- Барбекю
- Велосипеды
- Кофе-машина
- Летний душ
- Снаряжение для упражений
- Снасти для ловли крупной дичи
- Легкие рыболовные снасти
- Машина, которая делает лед
- Внутренняя аудиосистема
- Джакузи в основной каюте
- Джакузи на палубе
- Сервер медиа-фильмов
- Открытая аудиосистема
- Спутниковое телевидение
- У якоря стабилизаторов
- Потоковые онлайн-медиа
- Подушки от солнца
- Шезлонги
- Платформа для купания
- ТВ во всех каютах
- Основная кабина с телевизором
- ТВ на открытом воздухе
- ТВ в кают-компании
- Производитель воды
- Wi-Fi
Водные игрушки
- Надувные водные игрушки
- Банан - атракцион
- Свободный вес
- Каяки
- Паддлборды
- Труба - атракцион
- Вейкборд
- Водные лыжи - взрослый
- Waverunners (сядь)
- Дайвинг по договоренности
- 12ft Rescue Tender
- Brand new 2023 Everglades 395CC Towed Tender w/ 3 Yamaha 425s
Tristyn Bruwer
Chief OfficerTristyn grew up loving to bodyboard and explore the beautiful beaches of the Garden Route of South Africa. He has always enjoyed the outdoors, water exploration and traveling, and that sense of adventure drew him into the world of yachts. He is at his happiest when he is in the water, trying new restaurants and interacting with people from all walks of life.
In the seven years of his yachting career he has studied and worked his way to be Chief Officer. He has explored some of the most amazing parts of the Mediterranean and the Caribbean onboard yachts, and has done one Atlantic crossing. He cannot wait to cross more oceans in the near future.
Tristyn's love for sports and fitness keep him very active both on and off boats.
Chief EngineerRenato was born in Croatia and raised in Krapanj, the most densely inhabitedisland in the world. He attended a technical high school in Sibenik andgraduated from the Department of Marine Engineering as a Technician. He thenspent 5 years working on container ships before moving to the commercialindustry. In 2017, Renato brought his expertise to the yachting world, quicklyadapting to the demands of luxury yacht engineering. He manages all engines,electrical systems, and supporting mechanics with precision, ensuring smoothand safe operations onboard.Renato’s technical skills and dedication make him an invaluable asset to thecrew. Outside of work, Renato is an avid fisherman and car enthusiast whoenjoys cooking and spending time with friends. His passion for engineering andhis friendly nature bring a unique blend of professionalism and camaraderie tothe team.
Ernesto Palij
ChefBorn in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Ernesto developed a deep appreciation for foodand culinary traditions from an early age. At the age of 10, he immigrated toToronto, Canada, where he later pursued a career in professional soccer. Hisathletic journey took him across South America and the Middle East, where heplayed for five years before a knee injury brought his time on the field to anearly conclusion. Following his return to Canada, Ernesto transitioned into thecorporate world, studying Oracle applications development and accounting,which led to a successful 12-year career in business analysis. However, hislifelong passion for cooking ultimately drew him back to his roots. Seekingformal culinary training, he returned to Buenos Aires to study at the prestigiousArgentine Institute of Gastronomy, refining his skills in classical andcontemporary cuisine.Since then, Ernesto has dedicated nearly two decades to the yachting industry.With an additional 10 years of experience in high-end restaurants, he brings awealth of expertise, creativity, and global influences to his culinary approach.His commitment to excellence, adaptability, and ability to craft exquisite, tailor-made dining experiences ensure that guests enjoy world-class cuisine at sea.
Rudy Lumayag
BosunRudy hails from one of the 7,107 beautiful islands of the Philippines named Cebu. He speaks English and Tagalog fluently and is also conversational in Spanish.
Excited to travel and see the world, Rudy started his career as a deckhand on M/Y White Rabbit and then onto M/Y Vanish that took him all over Europe and the Caribbean. Rudy joined Aspen Alternative in January of 2022 and this year also marks his impressive 8th year in the yachting industry.
Hardworking and always self-driven in everything that he does, Rudy is a great benefit to the team and brings in a wealth of knowledge and skill and is always in a great mood and smiling. His family is a source of inspiration and strength and he has recently welcomed a new baby boy named Rafiel.
Bianca Hoar
2nd StewardessBianca was born and raised in the vibrant city of Durban, situated on the picturesque East Coast of South Africa. Her innate love for beauty and a strong creative flair naturally led her to pursue studies in makeup and special effects upon finishing school. An advocate of health and fitness, Bianca is not only a qualified yoga instructor but also an avid equestrian
Passionate about the outdoors and an active lifestyle, Bianca spends most of her free time with friends, on the beach: or riding her horses. Her deep-seated love for the ocean, wildlife, and travel was nurtured during childhood holidays, which has seamlessly transitioned her into the exhilarating and dynamic world of yachting.
With a blend of artistic talent, dedication to fitness, and a zest for adventure, Bianca brings a unique and energetic presence to any crew, always eager to explore and embrace new challenges.
Rhia Garcia
StewardessRhia originates from the town of Camirnes Sur in the beautiful island country_ of the Philipines. She studied Hotel and Restaurant Management at the University of Northeastern Philippines.
With a desire to be in the hospitality industry, Riha started her professional career in guest services at the prestigious 5-star Peninsula Manila Hotel. She developed her skills in all areas of guest relations including housekeeping, laundry and silver service. With her high-level of standards and skills, slie is a behind-the-scenes powerhouse.
Rhia's yachting experience spans over an impressive 12 year career. She has worked on many distinguished mega-yachts such as M/Y Space, M/Y Imagine and M/Y Here Comes the Sun where she quickly earned her way up the ranks to Head of Housekeeping.
It is an absolute pleasure to have Rhia onboard M/Y Aspen and the crew thoroughly enjoy her happy, positive disposition and quiet sense of humor. When she is not being a super-stew, Riha enjoys shopping, going to the movies and playing competitive badminton.
Samatha Schuchardt
2nd StewardessStewardessSamantha is a stewardess onboard from New Jersey. She has grownup in NJ all of her life and graduated college from the stateuniversity, Rutgers. After Rutgers, Samantha pursued a career in realestate for a couple of years. She was seeking more adventure in 2022when she decided to join the yachting industry. From a young age, she had a passion for being on the water fromlearning to sail, fish, and enjoying swimming and snorkeling. Shethought it would be the perfect opportunity to combine her love fortravel and the ocean along with her years of service skills. In Sammy’s free time, she enjoys hiking, playing pickleball, yoga, andthe beach! She’s looking
DeckhandJean-Pierre (JP) Stopforth hails from the picturesque Garden Route in George,South Africa. As the eldest of three siblings, JP developed a strong sense ofresponsibility and teamwork, qualities that he seamlessly incorporates into hisrole in the yachting industry.With a passion for adventure, JP’s sporting background is as diverse as it isimpressive. He is a dedicated rugby player, a former provincial bodyboarder,and an avid motorbike enthusiast. His love for water, exploration, andchallenges fuels his ambition to one day play golf on some of the world’s mosticonic courses.Known for his fun-loving personality and natural sociability, JP brings anenergetic and engaging presence to the team. His commitment to excellenceensures he delivers outstanding
Чартерные тарифы и направления

Восточное побережье США
- Низкие ставки 199 000 $ в неделю+ все расходы
- Высокая cтавка 220 000 $ в неделю+ все расходы
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Сколько гостей на борту ASPEN ALTERNATIVE?
ASPEN ALTERNATIVE может вместить 10 спящие гости на борту в 5 каюты, с возможностью круиза до 12 гости.
Legal Disclaimer
Моторная яхта ASPEN ALTERNATIVE is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.
U.S. Customs & Border Protection
The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.
Название яхты | ASPEN ALTERNATIVE |
Скорость (крейсерская) | 27.8кмч / 15узлы |
Скорость (макс) | 33.3кмч / 18узлы |
Двигатель | 2x Caterpillar 2250HP |
Корпус | Однокорпусной |
Флаг | Острова Кайман |
Запущен | 2010 |
Переоборудованные | 2022 |
Строитель | Trinity Yachts |
Дизайнер | Trinity Yachts |