2007 Westport  112футов / 34м


100 000 $/ неделя
SalonDiningMasterMaster BathVIPTwinAft Deck DiningSkyloungeSundeck ForwardSundeck Bar Aft

KEMOSABE Яхта Хартия

KEMOSABE, зарегистрированный в настоящее время на Маршалловых островах, активно доступен для чартера по нескольким круизным направлениям.

Роскошная моторная яхта KEMOSABE была построена компанией Westport и передана своему владельцу в 2007 году, позже она прошла ремонт в 2015 году.

Внешний вид KEMOSABE разработан Уильямом Гарденом.

KEMOSABE длиной 112 футов/34 м имеет стеклопластиковый корпус и оснащен двумя двигателями MTU -74.034195 мощностью 5470 л.с. и крейсерской скоростью 15 узлов.

Чартерный гостевой дом

KEMOSABE спроектирован так, чтобы с комфортом разместить до 10 чартерных гостей в 5 люксах.

Гостевые каюты состоят из основного люкса с двуспальной кроватью и собственной ванной комнатой, расположенной на палубе, 2 VIP-люкса с двуспальной кроватью и собственной ванной комнатой и 2 каюты с двумя односпальными кроватями и отдельными ванными комнатами.

Ваш роскошный чартерный экипаж

Вашим роскошным чартером на борту моторной яхты KEMOSABE будет управлять экипаж из 7 человек, включая капитана.

Экипаж обеспечит вам спокойный и приятный чартерный отдых с учетом всех ваших потребностей во время пребывания на борту.

Семь экипажей имеют отдельные помещения для экипажа, что позволяет гостям наслаждаться повышенным уровнем приватности.

Удобства и развлечения

Удобства на борту для чартерных гостей включают кондиционер, барбекю, пляжный зонт, библиотеку, рыболовные снасти для крупной дичи, легкие рыболовные снасти, льдогенератор, джакузи на палубе, наружную аудиосистему, специальные диеты, стабилизаторы на якоре, шезлонги, платформу для купания, телевизор на открытом воздухе, телевизионный салон и Wi-Fi.

В разделе «Возможности и удобства» можно ознакомиться с обширным перечнем дополнительных удобств и водных игрушек.

Чартер яхт

В настоящее время KEMOSABE курсирует по Карибскому морю и восточному побережью США.

Образцы маршрутов для круизных направлений могут быть предоставлены вашим профессиональным чартерным брокером, что позволит вам детально спланировать свой роскошный чартерный отдых.



  • Кондиционер
  • Барбекю
  • Пляжный зонтик
  • Библиотека
  • Снасти для ловли крупной дичи
  • Легкие рыболовные снасти
  • Машина, которая делает лед
  • Джакузи на палубе
  • Открытая аудиосистема
  • Специальные диеты
  • У якоря стабилизаторов
  • Солнечные прокладки
  • Шезлонги
  • Платформа для купания
  • ТВ на открытом воздухе
  • ТВ в кают-компании
  • Wi-Fi

Водные игрушки

  • Надувные водные игрушки
  • Пляжные игры
  • Надувной плавающий остров
  • Каяки
  • Падлборд
  • Паддлборды
  • Труба - атракцион
  • Вейкборд
  • Водные лыжи - взрослый
  • Водные лыжи - ребенок
  • Водная горка
  • Waverunner (сядь)
  • Waverunners (сядь)


  • Снаряжение для сноркелинга
  • Гидрокостюмы


  • 34ft/10.4m Contender
  • 18ft/5.5m RIB


Butch Vogelsang


Captain - Butch Vogelsang
Butch grew up on the east end of Long Island, New York and was on the water at an early age working in the local fishing community. After an enlistment in the United States Coast Guard, Butch returned home and bought a charter boat. He ran this for a number of years before joining the large charter yacht fraternity. Embracing the yachting world Butch quickly expanded his horizons to the Bahamas, Mediterranean, Caribbean, South America and the west coast of North America from Panama to as far north as Alaska.
As the master, Butch’s primary focus is to ensure the safety of the guests, crew and the vessel. His duties range from navigation to accounting, planning and managing charters to the overall management of the yacht and the crew. He encourages all departments to work as a team to ensure that each charter will be a rewarding
experience. He is operating “Kemosabe” with the right balance between a formal and a casual ambiance which is desired by all guests.

Engineer - Daniel Lightley
Daniel was born in a coastal South African town called Knysna. He’s spent his whole life around boats and in the water. Growing up when he wasn’t sailing, canoeing and
fishing, you could find him dismantling the lawn mower to see how it worked. His curiosity for mechanics and his sense of adventure brought him into the yachting industry where he found his passion for engineering. Since then he has pursued his engineering license and has been in charge of
multiple vessels.

Chief Mate - Jack Pierce
Jack is joining us from the north eastern town of Chesterfield in the United Kingdom. Before moving onto boats he worked with his local police force as a Special
Constable. He found his love for life on the ocean after a sailing course int the Isle of Wight and six months after landed his first job as a junior decked in Monaco. Being
in the industry for the past three years, he has made his way over to the USA. He hopes his yachting career will see him progress through the ranks and one day captain his own yacht.

Deckhand - Lehan Herbst
Lehan is from South Africa. He grew up outside the city limits of Bloemfontein. From this he is used to open spaces, nature and having a good time with friends and
family. He graduated and obtained his B. Com Law degree. Also completed additional honours year in Entrepreneurial and Business Management. After graduating last year, he decided to make his way over to North America and get into yachting. He thought it would be the perfect lifestyle for himself as traveling is a passion of his and something he would love to do for years to come. The ocean seems like a perfect fit and he is ready to enjoy challenges and thrive in this fast paced industry.

Chief Stewardess - Sasha Harrison
Sasha was born and raised in Canada. From the small northern town of Smithers buried high in the mountains. She was always outdoors exploring mother nature. At a young age she joined the family business and helped her mother run a restaurant for 4 years. It was here where she found her love for hospitality. Being surrounded by mountains her whole life, she decided to move to Vancouver Island, Canada, where she discovered the ocean. After a few years of enjoying the ocean from the shore, she found a way to bring both her passions together and joined the yachting industry. It is my duty and my pleasure to ensure that you have the utmost enjoyable experience on board Motor Yacht

Chef - Daniel (Dan) Wright
Dan is a 2001 graduate of The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, with experience in upscale catering while attending culinary school in Westchester, New York and completing his externship at the pioneering farm to table restaurant “The Lark Creek Inn” in Lakspur, California, he learned a solid foundation to build his repertoire. Upon graduation he became the executive chef at “Savannah’s Restaurant” in Huntington, West Virginia at the age of 22. Eventually getting the wanderlust bug in 2003, Dan moved to Key West, Florida and worked at some of the island’s various restaurants. It was at the world renown restaurant “Louie’s Backyard” under executive chef Doug Shook, did he find a rewarding, learning and challenging position cooking South Floridian cuisine with ocean to table ingredients. This upscale restaurant exposed him to amazing seafood in a sustainable manner. In 2008 he set out to work in the yachting industry. Chef Dan now has numerous years experience as a private chef aboard super yachts. He has helped Tim Lyons open a 100% gluten free restaurant in Durham NC. Having cooked for so many clients in the luxury yachting and restaurant industry, he is well versed in vegetarian, dairy free, primal and paleo styles of cooking, this allows him to cater to any dietary requests.


Часто задаваемые вопросы

Сколько арендовать KEMOSABE?

KEMOSABE имеет недельную чартерную цену, начинающуюся с 100 000 $ и предполагаемая ежедневная чартерная цена 16 700 $.

KEMOSABE может вместить 10 спящие гости на борту в 5 каюты, с возможностью круиза до 12 гости.

Legal Disclaimer

Моторная яхта KEMOSABE is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.

U.S. Customs & Border Protection

The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.


Название яхтыKEMOSABE
Скорость (крейсерская)27.8кмч / 15узлы
Двигатель2x MTU -74.034195 at 5470hp
ФлагМаршалловы Острова
ДизайнерWilliam Garden